Existing Course Number/Title:
REM 311-3 Applied Ecology and Sustainable Environments
Please check appropriate revision(s) being recommended:
Course Number: _____ Credit Hour: _____ Title: _____
Description: _____ Prerequisite: _____ Vector: _____
Prerequisites: REM 100, EVSC 200, BISC 204 or GEOG 215, STAT 101 or equivalent, MATH 154 or equivalent.
Prerequisites: REM 100, EVSC 200, BISC 204 or GEOG 215, STAT 101 or equivalent.
This course will not require experience with calculus. Removing the math prerequisite allows students in the Arts faculty to take this course. The absence of a math prerequisite is consistent with the other Arts environmental programs.
Does this course duplicate the content of a previously approved course to such an extent that students should not receive credit for both courses. If so, please specify.
No, it does not duplicate another approved course.
Effective date: 1999/2000 Calendar or _____________________________________