FAS UCC Papers: 2003

[2003-1] New Course Proposal - TECH 117 Systems of Media Representation, Tom Calvert, Jane Fee and Robert D. Cameron,
  • First draft - January 8, 2003
  • Revision A - January 30, 2003
  • Revision B - February 4, 2003
  • Revision C - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-2] New Course Proposal - TECH 124 New Media Images, Tom Calvert, Jane Fee and Robert D. Cameron,
  • First draft - January 8, 2003
  • Revision A - January 30, 2003
  • Revision B - February 4, 2003
  • Revision C - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-3] New Course Proposal - TECH 114 History and Theory of Technology and Culture, Tom Calvert, Jane Fee and Robert D. Cameron,
  • First draft - January 8, 2003
  • Revision A - January 30, 2003
  • Revision B - February 4, 2003
  • Revision C - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-4] New Course Proposal - CMPT 149/TECH 149 Introduction to Computer Systems, Tom Calvert, Jane Fee and Robert D. Cameron,
  • First draft - January 8, 2003
  • Revision A - January 30, 2003
  • Revision B - February 4, 2003
  • Revision C - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-5] Tech One Restructuring: 2003/4 Calendar, T. Calvert, T. Donaldson and R. Taylor, Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts, and R. D. Cameron, Associate Dean of Applied Sciences, January 10, 2003.
  • Revision A - January 28, 2003
  • Revision B - February 4, 2003
  • Revision C - February 11, 2003
  • Revision D - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-6] New Course Proposal - BUS 130-3 Business in the NetworkedEconomy I, Dianne Cyr, Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts, January 15, 2003
  • Revision A - January 28, 2003
  • Revision B - January 29, 2003
  • Revision C - February 4, 2003
  • Revision D - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-7] New Course Proposal - BUS 131-3 Business in the Networked Economy II, Dianne Cyr, Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts, January 15, 2003
  • Revision A - January 28, 2003
  • Revision B - January 29, 2003
  • Revision C - February 4, 2003
  • Revision D - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-8] New Course Proposal - TECH 100 Fundamentals of Teamwork and Communication I , Tom Calvert, Jane Fee and Robert D. Cameron.
  • First draft - January 30, 2003
  • Revision A - February 4, 2003
  • Revision B - February 11, 2003
  • Revision C - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-9] New Course Proposal - TECH 101 Fundamentals of Teamwork and Communication II , Tom Calvert, Jane Fee and Robert D. Cameron.
  • First draft - January 30, 2003
  • Revision A - February 11, 2003
  • Revision B - February 11, 2003
  • [2003-10] Calendar Language for a B.Sc. Joint Major in Computing Science, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry , Robert D. Cameron, February 11, 2003.
    [2003-11] Information Technology and Interactive Arts Degrees: 2002 Cohort , T. Calvert, T. Donaldson and R. Taylor, Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts, and R. D. Cameron, Associate Dean of Applied Sciences, April 10, 2003.
    [2003-12] Information Technology and Interactive Arts Program Revisions: 1999 Cohort , T. Calvert, T. Donaldson and R. Taylor, Program in Information Technology and Interactive Arts, April 10, 2003.
    [2003-13] Second Degree Program in Computing Science, R. Cameron, Q. Gu, J. Peters, E. Zook, School of Computing Science, April 11, 2003
  • Revision A - June 10, 2003
  • [2003-14] Course changes: REM 445 and 471, Duncan Knowler, School of Resource and Environmental Management April 24, 2003.
    [2003-15] New Program Proposal - Geographic Information Science , B. Bhattacharya, R. Cameron, A. Clapp, Q. Gu, J. Regan, M. Schmidt, N. Schuurman, September 22, 2003.
  • Revision A - October 14, 2003
  • Revision B - October 30, 2003
  • Revision C - November 10, 2003
  • Revision D - November 25, 2003
  • [2003-16] Proposed Introductory Computing Science Course Sequence , G. Baker, B. Bart, T. Dixon, Q. Gu, A. Lavergne, D. Mitchell, Syllabus Working Group, School of Computing Science, October 6, 2003.
    [2003-17] New Course Proposal - KIN 180-3 Introduction to Ergonomics, Craig Asmundson, School of Kinesiology, October 23, 2003
    [2003-18] 2004/2005 Calendar Changes - School of Kinesiology, Craig Asmundson, School of Kinesiology, October 23, 2003
  • Revision A - November 6, 2003
  • Revision B - November 18, 2003
  • [2003-19] New Course Proposal - CMPT 120-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I, G. Baker, B. Bart, T. Dixon, Q. Gu, A. Lavergne, D. Mitchell, Syllabus Working Group, School of Computing Science, October 23, 2003.
    [2003-20] New Course Proposal - CMPT 125-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming II, G. Baker, B. Bart, T. Dixon, Q. Gu, A. Lavergne, D. Mitchell, Syllabus Working Group, School of Computing Science, October 23, 2003.
    [2003-21] New Course Proposal - CMPT 225-3 Data Structures and Programming, G. Baker, B. Bart, T. Dixon, Q. Gu, A. Lavergne, D. Mitchell, Syllabus Working Group, School of Computing Science, October 23, 2003.
  • Revision A - January 18, 2004
  • [2003-22] New Course Proposal - CMPT 418-3: Computational Cognitive Architecture, Robert F. Hadley, School of Computing Science, October 23, 2003.
    [2003-23] New Course Proposal - CMNS 262-3 Design and Method in Qualitative Communication, Bill Richards, School of Communication, November 4, 2003.
  • Revision A - November 18, 2003
  • [2003-24] New Course Proposal - CMNS 287-3 Selected Topics, Bill Richards, School of Communication, November 4, 2003.
    [2003-25] New Course Proposal - CMNS 445-4 Media and Popular Culture in China, Bill Richards, School of Communication, November 4, 2003.
  • Revision A - November 18, 2003
  • [2003-26] 2004/2005 Program Changes - School of Communication, Bill Richards, School of Communication, November 4, 2003.
    [2003-27] School of Communication Course Revisions: 2004/5, Bill Richards, School of Communication, November 4, 2003.
    [2003-28] 2004/2005 Program Changes - Joint Major in Business Administration and Communication, Bill Richards, School of Communication, November 4, 2003.
    [2003-29] 2004/2005 Program Changes - Joint Major in Sociology or Anthropology and Communication, Bill Richards, School of Communication, November 14, 2003.
    [2003-30] New Course Proposal - CMPT 126-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming, G. Baker, B. Bart, T. Dixon, Q. Gu, A. Lavergne, D. Mitchell, Syllabus Working Group, School of Computing Science, December 17, 2003.
    [2003-31] New Course Proposal - CMPT 128-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming for Engineers, G. Baker, B. Bart, T. Dixon, Q. Gu, A. Lavergne, D. Mitchell, Syllabus Working Group, School of Computing Science, December 17, 2003.