
Second Degree Program in Computing Science

R. Cameron, Q. Gu, J. Peters, E. Zook

Revision A - June 10, 2003

The following calendar entry is proposed to describe the program leading to a second Bachelor's degree in Computing Science.

Second Degree Program

Holders of a recognized Bachelor's degree in another discipline may follow this program to earn a second degree in Computing Science.

This is a direct admission program. Applicants to SFU should indicate their interest in the program by selecting the B.Sc. major in Computing Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences as first choice. The indirect route of admission to another Faculty or program followed by internal transfer to computing science is not available to second degree students, except in extenuating circumstances.

Applicants will be selected primarily based on upper division (third and fourth year) performance in the prior Bachelor's degree and subsequent professional experience. Space in the program is limited; not all qualified applicants can be accepted.

The program is designed to be completed by the well-prepared student in one year (three semesters) of full-time study. The ideal preparation is a background in mathematics and programming experience comparable to the first two years of the computing science major program and a prior degree in which English was the language of instruction. Students without this background may require additional time to complete lower division prerequisites prior to program entry.

In accord with SFU regulations, the second degree program consists of the upper division requirements of the full computing science degree. For a general B.Sc. degree with a major in computing science, 45 upper division credits must be completed, including the 39 credits of upper division coursework specified for the major.


Holders of Bachelor's degrees in other disciplines represent a potentially important source of highly-qualified applicants for the computing science program in fulfillment of the government-mandated "Double the Opportunity" initiative. The proposed regulations are intended to allow the School of Computing Science to offer an effective and efficient second degree program with direct admission of applicants.

In particular, the goal is to offer a one year (three semester) degree program for degreeholders having the ideal background: strong mathematical preparation through studies in disciplines such as mathematics, physics, engineering and economics, coupled with two or more years of professional experience in programming and related activities. Students admitted on this basis will generally be able to proceed directly to upper division work with full waivers of lower division prerequisites. However, the direct admission process will also serve to identify background deficiencies for other applicants and allow the School to provide early advice on the additional preparation required.