
New Course Proposal - CMNS 287-3 Selected Topics

Bill Richards, School of Communication

November 4, 2003

Calendar Information

Course Number: CMNS 287

Course Title: Selected Topics

Credit Hours: 3 Vector: 2-1-0

Course Description

Analysis of a particular topic in the general area of communication.

Prerequisite: CMNS 110 and 130.

Recommended: N/A

Corequisite: N/A

Special Instructions: N/A

Course(s) to be dropped if this course is approved: N/A

Rationale for Introduction of this Course

A second special topics(ST) course at the 200-level is needed. For example, if more than one faculty member wishes to teach new course material at this level, in the same semester. CMNS school policy is that faculty must teach a planned new course 2-3 times as ST first, before regularizing it with its own number. Having only one 200-level ST course limits the School in this regard.

Will this be a required or elective course in the curriculum; probable enrolment when offered?

It will be an elective course. CMNS Majors, Honours, Extended Minors, and Joint Major students are required to take at least 6 CMNS 200-level courses as part of their degree programs. Enrollment when offered will probably be 75-90, depending on the topic.

Scheduling and Registration Information

Indicate Semester and Year this course would be first offered and planned frequency of offering thereafter.


Which of your present CFL faculty have the expertise to offer this course? Will the course be taught by sessional or limited term faculty?

Course would be taught by CMNS faculty members.

Are there any proposed student fees associated with this course other than tuition fees?


Is this course considered a `duplicate' of any current or prior course under the University's duplicate course policy? Specify, as appropriate.


Effective Date

2004/5 Calendar

Resource Implications

Note: Senate has approved (S.93-11) that no new course should be approved by Senate until funding has been committed for necessary library materials. Each new course proposal must be accompanied by a library report and, if appropriate, confirmation that funding arrangements have been addressed.

Provide details on how existing instructional resources will be redistributed to accommodate this new course. For instance, will another course be eliminated or will the frequency of offering of other courses be reduced; are there changes in pedagogical style or class sizes that allow for this additional course offering.

Course will use existing instructional resources.

Does the course require specialized space or equipment not readily available in the department or university, and if so, how will these resources be provided?


Does this course require computing resources (e.g. hardware, software, network wiring, use of computer laboratory space) and if so, describe how they will be provided.
