
New Course Proposal - ENSC 376-4 Introduction to Optical Engineering and Design

Andrew Rawicz, School of Engineering Science

November 29, 2004

Calendar Information

Course Number ENSC 376

Course Title:Introduction to optical engineering and design

Credit Hours:4

Vector: 2-1-2 (2 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial and 2 hours lab per week)

Course Description

In this course student learn basics of designing optical instruments. Lectures cover the principles of operation of optical devices using linear (ray) optics and Fourier optics as well as optical metrology. Hands-on practice is provided by extensive laboratory activities.

Prerequisites: Phys 121-3, Math 254-3

Corequisites: None

Special Instructions: None

Course(s) to be dropped if this course is approved: None

Rationale for Introduction of this Course

This course is a prerequisite for Biophotonics course (ENSC 476-4) and is an important component of the “Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation” Concentration of the Biomedical Engineering curriculum. It will also be beneficial for Engineering Physics option students. The School of Engineering Science does not provide students with optical design, and at the present time photonics is one of the fastest growing sectors of the biomedical industry.

It is an elective course in the Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation concentration of the BME curriculum. Probable enrolment : about 20 students

Scheduling and Registration Information

Indicate Semester and Year this course would be first offered and planned frequency of offering thereafter.

This course would first be offered in Spring 2008. Thereafter it would be offered annually in the Spring semester.

Which of your present CFL faculty have the expertise to offer this course? Will the course be taught by sessional or limited term faculty?

Andrew Rawicz, and Glenn Chapman. It will be taught by tenure-track faculty.

Are there any proposed student fees associated with this course other than tuition fees?


Is this course considered a `duplicate' of any current or prior course under the University's duplicate course policy? Specify, as appropriate.


Resource Implications

Note: Senate has approved (S.93-11) that no new course should be approved by Senate until funding has been committed for necessary library materials. Each new course proposal must be accompanied by a library report and, if appropriate, confirmation that funding arrangements have been addressed.

Provide details on how existing instructional resources will be redistributed to accommodate this new course. For instance, will another course be eliminated or will the frequency of offering of other courses be reduced; are there changes in pedagogical style or class size that allow for this additional course offering?

This course is proposed for a new engineering program “Biomedical Engineering”. We have no existing instructional resources to accommodate this course, so we plan a new faculty position funded by DTO.

Does this course require specialized space or equipment not readily available in the department or university, and if so, how will these resources be provided?

Yes. A new laboratory for this (and Biophotonics) course will be created. A laboratory is an important components of this course. Additional financing for this course will be obtained from DTO.

Does this course require computing resources (e.g. hardware, software, network wiring, use of computer laboratory space), and if so, how will these resources be provided?

Yes. Specialized software for optical systems modeling and simulation (Zemax and Optiwave) will be used. These packages will be purchased from DTO funds.


ENSC 3xx-4 Introduction to Optical Engineering and Design

In this course student learn basics of designing optical instruments. Lectures cover the principles of operation of optical devices using linear (ray) optics and Fourrier optics as well as optical metrology. Hands on practice is provided by extensive laboratory activities.

1. Theoretical part

Lecture #1

General principles. The electromagnetic spectrum. Laws of reflection and refraction.

Absorption, scattering, interference and diffraction. Classification and general structure of opto-mechanical and opto-electronic devices.

[Interference of a single photon with itself]

Lecture #2

Image formation. Cardinal points of an optical system. Image position and size. Refraction of a light ray at a single surface. Paraxial approximation. Thin lens. Mirrors.

Systems of separated components.

Lecture #3

The eye and vision . The structure of the eye. Characteristics of the eye. Color and colorimetry.

Lecture #4

Stops and apertures. The aperture stop and pupils. The field stop. Vignetting Aperture and image illumination. Depth of focus. Resolution of optical systems. The Fourier transform lens and spatial filtering..

Lecture #5

Radiometry and photometry. The inverse square law. Radiance and Lambert’s law. Radiation into a hemisphere. The radiometry of images, the conservation of radiance. Spectral radiometry, black body radiation. Photometry, relationship between photometric and radiometric units.

Lecture #6

Basic light sources and photodectors. Incandescent lamps, discharge lamps – low pressure high pressure. LEDs and lasers. Photodiodes, photoresistors, phototransistors, photomultipliers – characteristics, comparison and applications. IR photodectors. CCD and CMOS arrays.

Lecture #7

Signal detection registration in opto-electronic devices. Metrological parameters - range, accuracy, resolution. Low level signal detection. Preamplifiers. Correlation techniques. Single photon counting. Signal-to-noise ratio. Time response.

Lecture #8

Basic optical devices. Telescopes. Magnification, field of view. Basic calculations. Resolution of telescopes. Objectives and eyepieces for telescopes. Rangefinders

Lecture #9

Basic optical devices. Photocameras. Photographic objectives. Zoom optical systems.

Microscopes. Microscope objectives. Illumination systems. Condensers. Spectroscopic devices.

Lecture #11.

Aberrations. The aberration polynomial and the Seidel aberrations. Chromatic aberrations. Wave front aberrations. Third order aberrations.

Image evaluation. Optical path difference, focus shift and spherical aberrations. Spread function – point and line. The modulation transfer function.

Lecture #12

General design of optical systems. The simple meniscus camera lens. Achromatic telescope objectives. Typical routine calculations. Optical CAD software.

Lecture #13

Mechanical components and parts. Mounting of prisms, lens, mirrors, splitters and diffraction gratings. Optical specifications and tolerances. Translation stages and actuators. Optical manufacturing.

2. Laboratory work (each student must complete at least 8 labs)

Lab 1. Study of basic optical phenomena - absorption, Burger law. Basic optical materials.

Lab 2. Study of basic optical phenomena - light scattering, Tindal law, building a basic nephelometr.

Lab.3. Study of basic optical phenomena - interferometry, building and characterization of Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometers.

Lab. 4. Study of basic optical phenomena - diffraction and spectroscopy, building and characterization of a Cherny-Terner spectroscope.

Lab.5 Visual perception, resolution of eye.

Lab. 6. Study of black body radiation

Lab. 7. Characterization of discharge lamps – low pressure and high pressure, efficiency, spectral content.

Lab.8. Study and characterization of photodiodes and photoresistors, building a simple opto-electronic measuring device

Lab.9. Study and characterization of CCD and CMOS array photodetectors, building a simple imaging optical device.

Lab.10. Study and characterization of basic opto-mechanical devises – goniometers, comparators, autocollimators.

Lab. 11. Building and characterization of a simple telescopic system.

Lab.12 Building and characterization of a simple microscopic system.

Lab. 13. Study of spherical and chromatic aberrations.

Lab. 14. Study of optical stops and apertures.

Lab. 15. Modeling of modulation transfer function.

Lab. 16. Assembly and alignment of opto-mechanical devices, mechanical tolerances and control.

Grading scheme:

1. Laboratory reports: 20%

2. Quizes: 15%

3. Midterm: 15%

4. Class involvement 10%

5. Final exam 40%

Suggested texts:

R. R. Shannon, The art and science of optical design, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

C. O’Shea, Elements of modern optical design, New York, Wiley, 1985