
New Course Proposal - ENSC 472-4 Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Devices

Andrew Rawicz, School of Engineering Science

November 29, 2004

Calendar Information

Course Number:  ENSC 472-4

Course Title: Rehabilitation engineering and assistive devices

Credit Hours: 4

Vector 2-1-2 (2 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial and 2 hours lab per week)

Course Description

This course is intended to provide students with exposure to essential topics in rehabilitation engineering and the design of assistive devices. The course is organized into weekly modules, each of which includes a basic patho-physiology component, an introduction to related rehabilitation engineering technology, and a laboratory/project component. All modules will provide students with (a) an understanding of the scientific basis for a specific area of rehabilitation engineering, (a) experience in the application of  standard medical techniques for disability assessment, (b) exposure to biomechanical and physiological measurement techniques, (c) experience in the design (including ISO standards), construction, and evaluation of technological solutions to enhance mobility, communication, sensory function, cognition, and independence in daily activities.

Prerequisites: ENSC 372, Kin 201, Kin 308, Kin 448

Special Instructions: None

Course(s) to be dropped if this course is approved: None

Rationale for Introduction of this Course: This course is the fundamental course for Rehabilitation Engineering concentration in the newly proposed Biomedical Engineering program

Probable enrolment: about  20 students

Scheduling and Registration Information This course would first be offered in Fall 2007. Thereafter it would be offered annually in the Fall semester.

Which of your present CFL faculty have the expertise to offer this course? Will the course be taught by sessional or limited term instructors?

First and second block (see attached detailed outline) and 3a, 3b, and 3c of the third block can be taught by Steve Robinovitch (Kinesiology) or a new faculty member in that School.  Blocks 3d, 3e, and 4 can be taught by a new faculty in Engineering Science or a sessional instructor from the industry.  Block 5 will be taught by A. Rawicz (Engineering Science).

Are there any proposed student fees associated with this course other than tuition fees?


Does this course duplicate the content of previously approved courses to such an extent that students should not receive credit for both course?


Resources: Provide details on how existing instructional resources will be redistributed to accommodate this new course. For instance, will another course be eliminated or will the frequency of offering of other courses be reduced; are there changes in pedagogical style or class size that allow for this additional course offering?

This course is proposed for a new engineering program “Biomedical Engineering”.  We have insufficient instructional resources to accommodate this course.  A new laboratory for this course will be created.  A laboratory is an important component of this course.

Does this course require specialized space or equipment not readily available in the department or university, and if so, how will these resources be provided?

Yes.  Additional financing for this course will be obtained from DTO.

Does this course require computing resources (e.g. hardware, software, network wiring, use of computer laboratory space), and if so, how will these resources be provided?


ENSC 472-4 Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Devices

Rehabilitation engineering is a field of biomedical engineering that applies engineering tools (design, modeling, and control systems theory) to enhance mobility and ability to perform daily activities following disease or injury. In addition to requiring strong knowledge of engineering design, rehabilitation engineers must possess a solid understanding of physiological systems in health and disease (neural, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory).

This course is intended to provide students with exposure to essential topics in rehabilitation engineering and the design of assistive devices. The course is organized into weekly modules, each of which includes a basic patho-physiology component, an introduction to related rehabilitation engineering technology, and a laboratory/project component. All modules will provide students with (a) an understanding of the scientific basis for a specific area of rehabilitation engineering, (a) experience in the application of  standard medical techniques for disability assessment, (b) exposure to biomechanical and physiological measurement techniques, (c) experience in the design (including ISO standards), construction, and evaluation of technological solutions to enhance mobility, communication, sensory function, cognition, and independence in daily activities.

Prerequisites: ENSC 372, Kin 201, Kin 208, Kin 308, and Kin 448 as a co-requisite

Lecture modules (tentative): 3 hours/week

1.  Pathology of sensory-motor systems  -  2 weeks

1.a.  Assessment methods of sensory-motor disorders  - 

1.b.   Movement analysis  - 

1.c.    Blindness assessment -

1.d.    Hearing problems -

2.  Restoring physical independence – overview - 1 week

3.  Assistive devices  -  5 weeks

3.a.     User interfaces  -

3.b.     Visual prostheses - 

3.c.      Cochlear implants - 

3.d       Controls for wheel-chairs

3.e.      Ventilators and bi-paps

4.   Design considerations -  3 weeks

4.a.    Biocompatibility of materials (summary)

4.b.    Mechanical (overview)

4.c.     Electro-mechanical

4.d.    Thermodynamic

5.   Safety and reliability considerations – standards in design  - 2 weeks

Laboratory/project element involves designing, fabrication, and testing of a sensing/control system for a selected rehabilitation or assistive device.  Students will works in groups of 3.

Suggested text: course notes

Grading elements:

1.  Quizzes                                                       10% (total)

2.   Midterm                                                    15%

3.   Final                                                          20%

4.   Project progress steps                               (3 x  5%)

5.   Project demonstration and final report      35%    

6.   Class discussions                                      5%