Course Change Form

Existing Course Number/Title: KIN 486-3 Human Factors in Industrial Design

Please check appropriate revision(s) being recommended:

Course Number: Credit Hour: Title:

Description:X Prerequisite:X Vector:

State # of hours for:

Lect.( ) Sem ( ) Tut ( ) Lab ( )

Desig. “Q” Desig. “W” Desig.“B” Hum

Desig.”B” Soc.Sc.




The objective of the course is to learn the rudiments of design layout. In an industrial context, a well designed human-machine system must have more than just good display and control components. The essence of industrial design is to arrange system components so as to minimize production inefficiencies and quality control and safety compromises. Industrial examples will be presented to illustrate how human-factors input can improve the production process and help to control some of the extreme hazards that arise in industrial environments. Prerequisite: KIN 380, 383.


Covers the role of human factors in the design process. Explains how human factors/ergonomics knowledge is incorporated into the design process in order to improve safety, comfort, usability and efficiency for consumer products and products used in the workplace. Biomechanical principles, concepts from human-computer interaction and basic ergonomics/human factors principles will be applied. An applied project will be undertaken by groups of students and will form a significant part of the course. This course is designed for students who are following the human factors/ergonomics stream of the undergraduate program Prerequisite: KIN 180 and KIN 380 or 383.


Kin 180 is an introduction to Ergonomics course that has been approved as a Writing-Intensive course. This calendar change recognizes that Kin 180 should be a foundation of the ergonomics concentration

Does this course duplicate the content of a previously approved course to such an extent that students should not receive credit for both courses. If so, please specify.

Effective date: 06-07 Calendar