Course Change Form
Existing Course Number/Title:
Kin 485 Human Factors in the Underwater Environment.
Please check appropriate revision(s) being recommended: Course Number: Credit Hour: Title: Description: Prerequisite:X Vector: State
# of hours for: Lect.(
) Sem ( ) Tut ( ) Lab ( ) Desig.
“Q” Desig. “W” Desig.“B”
Desig.”B” Soc.Sc. Desig.”B”
All of the above are prereqs for Kin 305.
Math 155 (or 152) is a pre-req for Kin 305 and does not need to be listed for Kin 485.
Kin 306 is not required. The information contained in Kin 305 is adequate for Kin 485. Much of the course is on the physics of diving and life support equipment (breathing apparatus, thermal protection, recompression chambers, saturation diving procedures etc.) The physiological emphasis is mainly on effects of pressure and immersion on respiratory mechanics, work physiology and the effects of cold exposure and thermal protection. Decompression is taught mainly from a physics (gas uptake and elimination), modeling, theory of decompression tables, DCS symptoms and treatment tables, point of view. Narcosis and HPNS are taught mainly from the human factors point of view (effects on performance). Although some aetiology is included, the course does not go into cellular mechanisms in detail.
The inclusion of Kin 306 tends to limit the number of students who can take the course and at the same time does not really contribute much to the knowledge base required.
this course duplicate the content of a previously approved course to
such an extent that students should not receive credit for both
courses. If so, please specify. Effective
date: 06-07 Calendar