CCUPEKA Accreditation-Required Program Revisions - School of Kinesiology

Richard Ward, School of Kinesiology

January 3rd, 2006

Summary of Changes

  1. Changes to Major Program: Facilitating CCUPEKA Accreditation

  2. Other Changes to Major Program


The Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators (CCUPEKA) has established an accreditation program. The CCUPEKA Accreditation Council is the accrediting agency for university Kinesiology programs in Canada. To be accredited, a unit must satisfy the minimal standards set forth in the accreditation document. Accreditation is open only to the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators (CCUPEKA) member institutions. Although Kinesiology at SFU is generally regarded as one of the top two Kinesiology programs in the country, along with U of Waterloo, we are currently not CCUPEKA accredited.

As stated by CCUPEKA, the CCUPEKA Accreditation System serves the following functions:

During the last two years the School of Kinesiology has undergone a process of application for accreditation by CCUPEKA. This involved an initial submission followed by a site visit by members of the CCUPEKA accreditation committee. Subsequently, the CCUPEKA accreditation committee produced a report outlining the changes required to achieve accreditation. Approval for accreditation was achieved in December 2005 with minimal changes to the program requirements: