Course Change Form

Existing Course Number/Title: CMPT341, Computational biology.

Please check appropriate revision(s) being recommended:

Course Number:X Credit Hour: Title:

Description:X Prerequisite: Vector:

State # of hours for:

Lect.( ) Sem ( ) Tut ( ) Lab ( )

Desig. “Q” Desig. “W” Desig.“B” Hum

Desig.”B” Soc Desig.”B” Other:

Course Number






  1. The first reason for this change is to maintain consistency within CMPT: there are no other pre-reqs among 3rd-year courses.
  2. Consistency with MBB. Their Computational Biology course (which focuses on the applications, whilst the CMPT version focuses on the theory and building analysis tools) is at the 4th year level, and is also named 441.
  3. Level of the course. The curriculum for this course is taught at a 4xx level. It is doubtful that there is an implementation that would be appropriate for a proper 3xx offering.
  4. Grad cross-listing. Due to enrolment pressures, the long term plan is to cross list this course with a 7xx version of what is now a selected topics course. The cross listing would not be approved under its current numbering.
Course Description

Append the sentence `Students with credit for CMPT 341 may not take this course for further credit.'

Does this course duplicate the content of a previously approved course to such an extent that students should not receive credit for both courses. If so, please specify.

Yes: it duplicates CMPT 341.

Effective date: 06-07 Calendar