Course Overlap Inquiries

Rob Cameron (
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:26:15 -0700 (PDT)

The following new course proposals have been approved by various
departments in the Faculty of Arts.  

ARCH 321-3 Archaeology of Britain
FPA  271-3 Stage Management Practice
FPA  472-3 Technical Production III
FPA  473-5 Technical Production IV
FREN 320-3 French Civilization and Culture - Field School Course
HIST 413-4 Britain and Europe in the Twentieth Century: 
           An Ambiguous Partnership
HUM  240-3 Studies in European Cultures
HUM  350-4 Great Figures in the Humanistic Tradition
LBST 101-3 Introducing Labour Studies
LBST 301-3 Labour Movements: Contemporary Issues and Images
SA   331-4 Politics of the Family
SA   435-4 Gender, Colonialism and Post-Colonialism
WS   405-4 Theoretical Issues in Women's Studies
WS   314-4 Race, Class, and Gender Relations  

In reviewing the proposals for potential overlap/conflict with
Applied Sciences courses, I have not found any problems.  Most
of these courses will be considered at the SCUS meeting of Tuesday,
Sept. 14.   If there are any potential concerns about any of these
courses, please contact me immediately.