New Science Courses: Conflict/Overlap Inquiry

Rob Cameron (
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 10:44:14 -0700 (PDT)

The following new courses are being proposed by the Faculty of Science.

EASC 313-3  An Introduction to Soil and Rock Engineering
EASC 404-3  Structural Geology II
EASC 413-3  Forestry Geotechnics
MBB  432-3  Advance Molecular Biology Techniques
MBB  300-3  Special Topics in Biotechnology and Business
MBB  151-3  Practicum I
MBB  251-3  Practicum II
MBB  351-3  Practicum III
MBB  451-3  Practicum IV
MBB  452-3  Practicum V

I have reviewed these proposals and do not see any concerns with
respect to overlap or conflict.   Please contact me if you would
like to review any of these courses yourself.

Robert D. Cameron, Ph. D.
Associate Dean of Applied Sciences
Professor of Computing Science
8888 University Drive
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada  V5A 1S6