FAS UCC Actions

Rob Cameron (cameron@cs.sfu.ca)
Tue, 4 Feb 2003 18:30:30 -0800 (PST)

The following items were approved at the FAS UCC meeting
held at 2:30 pm on Tuesday, February 4, 2003.

1.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-1B
     New Course Proposal - TECH 117 Systems of Media Representation

2.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-2B
     New Course Proposal - TECH 124 New Media Images

3.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-3B
     New Course Proposal - TECH 114 History and Theory of Technology and Culture

The following item was approved conditional on the School of
Computing Science approving the CMPT 149 designation, on the
understanding that it will go ahead with the TECH 149 designation
in any event.

4.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-4B
     New Course Proposal - CMPT 149/TECH 149 Introduction to Computer Systems

The following item was approved with a note that 3-credits is  being
awarded for CMPT 101 for students who have credit for CMPT/TECH 149-3.

5.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-5
     Tech One Restructuring: 2003/4 Calendar

6.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-6C
     New Course Proposal - BUS 130-3 Business in a Global Economy I

7.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-7C
     New Course Proposal - BUS 131-3 Business in a Global Economy II

8.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-8A
     New Course Proposal - TECH 100 Technical Communications I

9.   FAS UCC Paper 2003-9
     New Course Proposal - TECH 100 Technical Communications II