The following actions were taken at the FAS UCC meeting of Friday, November 14 at 3:30pm. 1. New Program Proposal - Geographic Information Science Revision C This program proposal is still awaiting Department of Geography approval. FAS UCC expressed support in principle, with a note that a statement on Co-operative Education would enhance the proposal. 2. New Course Proposal - KIN 180-3 Introduction to Ergonomics Approved. 3. 2004/2005 Calendar Changes - School of Kinesiology Revision A Approved. 4. New Course Proposal - CMNS 262-3 Design and Method in Qualitative Communication Approved subject to the unanimous recommendation that at least 50% of course evaluation be based on supervised (in-class and final) exams rather than take-home exams. 5. New Course Proposal - CMNS 287-3 Selected Topics Approved. 6. New Course Proposal - CMNS 445-4 Media and Popular Culture in China Approved. 7. 2004/2005 Program Changes - School of Communication Approved. 8. School of Communication Course Revisions: 2004/05 Approved, with a note that additional prerequisite changes may also be brought forward to add research methods courses (CMNS 260/1/2) as prerequisites for appropriate upper division courses. 9. 2004/2005 Program Changes - Joint Major in Business Administration and Communication Approved for forwarding to Faculty of Business Administration. 10. 2004/2005 Program Changes - Joint Major in Sociology or Anthropology and Communication Approved for forwarding to Faculty of Arts. 11. Joint Major in Film Studies and Communication Revision A The original proposal is still pending within the Faculty of Arts. Revision A, incorporating consequent changes from the CMNS lower division restructuring (FAS UCC Paper 2003-28) will be forwarded to the Faculty of Arts. 12. New Course Proposals - CMPT 120-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I CMPT 125-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming II CMPT 225-3 Data Structures and Programming Approved in principle, subject to introduction of CMPT 126 as a parallel track to CMPT 120/125 for students with appropriate background. FAS UCC to expedite approval when the new course is brought forward. 13. New Course Proposal - CMPT 418-3: Computational Cognitive Architecture Approved.