The Faculty of Applied Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum Commmittee met in ASB 10804 at 3:30 pm on Friday, March 12, 2004. Members attending: R. Cameron (chair), T. Donaldson, J. Fee, B. Gruver, Q. Gu, B. Richards, R. Taylor. FAS advisor: M. Black. Guests: T. Calvert, S. DiPaola, T. Schiphorst, R. Woodbury 1. Revisions to Joint-CMPT MBB CMPT Major FAS UCC Paper 2004 outlining revisions to the joint CMPT-MBB major was approved. 2. 2004/5 Calendar Changes - School of Engineering Science FAS UCC Paper 2004C was briefly discussed. No concerns were raised. Expedited approval to be granted at 11:00 am Tuesday, March 16, 2004 if no further concerns brought forward. 3. CMPT/IAT 265-3 Multimedia Programming for Art and Design The course proposal originally entitled IAT 202-3 Programming Multimedia was revised with a new title and course description. After discussion it was agreed that this course would be cross-listed as CMPT 265/IAT 265. FAS UCC Paper 2004-11B documents the course proposal as revised and approved. 4. Phase-out of IART/INTD/ITEC/MTEC 2xx-1 Modules The Phase-out of IART/INTD/ITEC/MTEC 2xx-1 modules was approved with slight revisions of replacement course information as documented in FAS UCC Paper 2004-26C. 5. Proposed 2004/5 Calendar Entry: School of Interactive Arts and Technology This document was considered at length. Agreement was reached on the overall curriculum provisions of the document. However, consensus could not be reached on one key item: whether the proposed new stream entitled "New Media Environments" should go ahead at this time. The concern continues to be the relationship between the proposed new stream and the development of a joint CMPT-IAT multimedia program. Reference was made to the priorities identified by Senate in establishing the School. Developments for 2004/5 were to include 3 streams within the School (PMA, ID, ADT/TAD) and the joint multimedia program. With the joint multimedia program as yet undeveloped, Computing Science is concerned that the NME stream will usurp it, even though the stream description has been adequately revised to reflect an arts-based multimedia program. There was considerable discussion on this point. It was argued that NME could be considered the IAT "half" of the joint multimedia program, just as Computing Science will retain a graphics and multimedia area on its side. Wording was introduced that would include the commitment to the joint multimedia program concurrent with the development of the relevant IAT curriculum. However, a need to establish an adequate process was also identified. In discussions on this point, a particular concern that new upper division course proposals in the area should be developed in consideration of both the needs of the IAT curriculum and of the joint multimedia program. On a separate point, it was also agreed that text for the description of the BSc(Interactive Arts, TechBC) and BSc(Information Technology, TechBC) degrees should be incorporated in consultation with the School. Revision B now includes the statement on the multimedia joint program as well as proposed wording on the existing degrees. With the curriculum work on this document complete, the Associate Dean said that he would now take the issue of the NME stream to the decanal level, together with the proposal for concurrent development of the joint multimedia program through a suitable process.