1. BC12 Admission Requirements - Faculty of Applied Sciences http://fas.sfu.ca/ucc/Papers/2002/2002-4/2002-4D.html Subject to revisions to be received from the School of Communication and confirmation of changes to be received from the School of Engineering Science, the new admission requirements were approved. 2. School of Computing Science Undergraduate Curriculum Changes: 2003/04 http://fas.sfu.ca/ucc/Papers/2002/2002-6/2002-6.html Approved. 3. 2003/2004 Calendar Changes - School of Kinesiology http://fas.sfu.ca/ucc/Papers/2002/2002-7/2002-7B.html Approved as Revision B, with additional minor changes as received from Kinesiology. All documents are being forwarded to Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies.