FAS UCC Actions

Rob Cameron (cameron@cs.sfu.ca)
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 14:22:27 -0800

The following items were approved at the FAS UCC meeting
held at 10am on Friday, December 20, 2002.

1.	FAS UCC Paper 2002-8A
	Applied Sciences One - Revision A

2.	FAS UCC Paper 2002-9D
	Computing Science Lower Division Restructuring: 2003/04 - Revision D

3.	FAS UCC Paper 2002-10
	Additional Computing Science Curriculum Revisions: 2003/04

4.	FAS UCC Paper 2002-11A
	New Course Proposal - CMPT 341-3: Introduction to Computational Biology - 
	Revision A

5.	FAS UCC Paper 2002-12B
	School of Communication Course Changes: 2003/4 - Revision B

6.	FAS UCC Paper 2002-13
	Joint Major in Film Studies and Communication

The following item was approved in principle, subject to
final agreement on administrative structure, additional
minor revisions, and development of a complete and 
correct calendar description prior to forwarding to 
Senate Commitee on Undergraduate Studies.   

7.	Proposal for a B.Sc. Joint Major in
	Computing Science, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
	FAS UCC Paper 2002-14